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multiple terms are used for unmanned aerial vehicles,which generally refer to the same concept. The term drone,more widely used by th public,was coined in reference to the re-semblance of navigation and loud-and -regular moter sounds of old military unmanned aircraft to the male bee.The term has encountered strong opposition from professionals and government regulators. the term unmanned aircraft system was adopted by the us department of defense and the united states federal aviation administration in 2005 according to their unmanned aircraft system roadmap 2005-2030.the international civil also used in the european union’ssingle european sky air traffic management research roadmap for 2020.this tern emhasizes the improtance of elements other than aircraft , it includes elements such as ground control stations ,data links and ther support equipment .a similar term is an unmanned aircraft vehicle system remotely piloted aerial vehicle ,remotely piloted aircraft system .many similar terms terms are in use. a uav is defined as “apowered aerial vehicle ,which does not carry a human operator, uses aerodymanic forces to provide lift ,can fuly automomously or be pilote remotly ,canbe expendable or recoverabe,and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload , therefore,missiles are not considered as uavs,bucance the vehicle itselft is a weapon that is not reused,though is ti also unmanned and in some cases remotely guided. the relation of uavs to remote controlled model aircraft is unclear .uav may or may not include model aricraft ,some juridicions base their definition on size or witght m,however ,the us federal aviation adininstration definedsany unmanned flying craft as a uav regardless of size ,a redio controlled aircraft becomes adrone withe the addition of an auto pilot arificial intelligensce,and ceases to be a drone whten the ai is removed.

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