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in 1849,austraria sent unmaned, bomb -filled balloms to attack venice ,uav innovations started in the early 1900s and orginally focused on providing practise targets fro training military prosonal, uavdevelopment contunued during world war ,when the dayton wright airplane company in vented a pilotles aerial torpedo that would explode at a present time, the earliest attempt at a powered uav was a.m low’saerial target in 1916.nikola tesla described afleet of unmanned aerial was am low’saerail target in 1915.advances followed during and after world war i,including the hewittsoerry automatic airplance,the first scaled remote piloted vehicle was delveloped by film star and model-airplane enthusiast reginald denny in 1935,more uav s emerged during world war 2 used both to train anriarcraft gunners and to fly attack missions nazi germany produced and used various uav air craft during the war,jet engines entered service after world war2 in vehicles such as the austrilian gaf jidivik ,and tech ryan firebee 1of 1951 ,while come paines like beech raft offered their modle 1001 for us navy in 1955,nevertheless they were little more than remote controlled airplanes until the vietnam war.

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